Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Monday, November 13, 2006

Forgot to mention

Reason #28917844 I know I'm getting old:

I own a leafblower.

Yah.. That's pretty much what I did with my Friday off. Yard work. I rule. Rule the leaves. Die leaves, die. 16:1 reduction mulching rules my ass, though maple leaves clog it like mad.

I was pretty proud of myself actually, I talked myself down from the gas blower (I woulda wound up spending $200, because I would have had to buy a 4 cycle instead of a 2 cycle cuz I know I'd never want to mess with gas mixing), and instead bought the $60 high-end electric one, which works fine.

Yah. Leafblower post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay. . . I just caught up on your blog after a long absence. Now all is right with the world.
