Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Instead of waiting till tomorrow, I'll tell you of my illustrious holiday plans pre-holiday leaving day (that'd be right now), because I'm bored as shit and avoiding doing real work.

As a bonus, I'm including tonight.

Tonight: Go home, put on some grubby jeans, put the Mustang in the air, tighten down the rear end to hopefully eliminate some oddball clunking and ensure it doesn't fly off the road this weekend. Eat a burrito, install Sirius in Eric's car, cuz I'm nice like that. Play Gears of War. Drink beer.

Friday: Try to sneak out early, take dog to kennel, drive to Chambana, go to some hotel party for Rachel's bday. Still not sure why it's a hotel party, or what it'll actually entail. Presumably get plowed, eat Merry Ann's, pass out.

Saturday: Drive up to Ptown, hopefully get Just Hamburgers, see grandma, apparently go out with mom and finally meet her 'new' boyfriend she's been seeing for like a year. Then up to the Lake to do something with the Camps/Wards/Eyres/???. Then back to Champaign to meet the crew @ Murphy's, drink a lot, eat Merry Anns, pass out.

Sunday: Do the family thing some more, chill the fuck out, recover from hangover. Drink beer.

Monday: Wake up, do the fam thing s'more, eat, do the awkward Kingston xmas exchange, lounge around for a while, and possibly (probably) drive back to Collinsville that night.

Tuesday: Sleep in, pick up dog, play Gears of war, drink beer.

Wed-Fri: "Work"

Saturday: Wake up mo-ass early, catch 7am flight, get to detroit at like 930, eat at Toast (hopefully), do random shit until C&C show up at whenever they show up.

Sunday: No clue. Eat dinner somewhere awesome with everyone, go back to Liz's and drink till we're idiots, cheer in the new year.

Monday: Sleep off hangover, drink beer probably.

Tuesday: Uh...sleep off hangover, drink beer? Not sure.

Wednesday: Wake up mo-ass early, catch 930 flight back to IL, get dog from kennel again, play Gears.

Thursday/Friday: Cry due to having to work. But I get a 3day weekend the 13th, so that's cherry.

Long pointless post, w00t.

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