Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Monday, March 05, 2007

Say Uncle!!!

Yah, I'm an uncle. It's neat.

Friday: Met the Lammles and Lowns at Llewylns for luscious liquids and uh..... lavish... I can't think of a word for food that starts with "L". Had food. It was good. Lots of beer. Actually, not that much, but Fat Tire has a very strange effect of kicking my ass in a bad way on draught. Drove home, passed out.

Saturday: Woke up entirely too early, drove really fast to Indianapolis to see new niece. Saw Norah, she's tiny, and doesn't do much besides drink from a bottle, look around, sleep and cry. While I'm happy for everyone, since I don't have a uterus, I think the glory is kinda lost on me. Sat around, drank a lot of Sam Adams with the father-in-law, watched a lot of movies... Army of Darkness, Maverik, V for Vendetta. Completely gorged self on Monicals. They have Monicals in Indy. It's awesome. If it wasn't for being in Indiana, I'd totally move.

Sunday: Woke up, watched Space Cowboys, ate more Monical's, watched people hold baby, left. Sat in traffic jam for about a half hour, then hauled ass the rest of the way back to C-ville. Got home, promptly threw on pajamas, did laundry, and sat on our asses the rest of the day. Ordered Dominos, watched Being John Malkovich for the first time (yes, I know). Mind was blown, it was fun. Watched a lot of TV.

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