- Rocked the hottub after a long day of shit, awesome, always say "we should use this more", but fail.
- Watched Transformers on HD-DVD, fuggin awesome in terms of ooooh/ahh, movie wasn't as bad as I'd feared, but definitely had moments I wanted to punch my TV.
- Went to the mall, attempted to buy shoes, failed, went to Orange Julius, tried the Strawberry Julius, discovered my meaning in life, which is to order Strawberry Juliusesses. (Julii?)
- Decided to go home next weekend, forgoing Beatallica, cuz of logistics and whatnot.
- Went to Home Depot, bought 20 sheets of drywall and 500' of insulation for garage, pimped the $19 HD rental truck, love that damn deal.
- Sugarmomma Ellen bougth me some much-needed clothes at Kohls.
- Went to shoe carnival, where there was no funnel cakes, but plenty of shoes, yet nothing I liked.
- Fuggin dog woke me up, had a redbull and bagels, was wired.
- Passed out after the Illini game, rouging the punter, more like roughing the game up for your dumbasses, who names their kid Juice?
- Helen locked herself out of the house, so was hanging out at ours when we got back from BW3, Eric came over a little later.
- Ate BW3, grabbed Transformers HDDVD @ Bestbuy, Asian checkout lady was all OMGAWESOME.
- Spent most of saturday on couch, watched Vice Versa with Fred Savage/Judge Reinhold, who names their kid Judge?
- So hungover.
- Went to bed at 330 after chatting with Brett about random IT/career/Champaign shit.
- Karaokee'd at Lil Peeps, which is a complete shithole, filled with bad KJs and 10 other people, danced to random 80s shit in a manner unfitting to a lady, or sober person.
- Hit Fridays south, Paul hooked us up, per usual, Champaign guys are too good at Golden Tee
- Chillaxed at Hurricanes, had shots, played much Cricket
- Chatted with guy outside Hurricanes about Mustangs for seriously 30 minutes, really cool guy, proceeded to buy me a shot, ellen thought he was hitting on me until she saw him hit on chicks at the bar.
- Cruised blaring some Pantera cuz we're dumb
- Ate Ramon's, fuggin awesome for some reason, prolly Magaritas.
- Rachel, Brett, Barry, and Jess arrived, and we drank a bit.
Some shit happened last weekend, but I honestly don't recall what.
The end. Or beginning.
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