Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

somethin bout a weekend

Work is definitely getting in the way of my blogging. That, and having a monitor that faces a door, and sharing an office. Anyway.

Friday: Um... Oh, met up with Mike & Elise for 'meh' mexican at Loredo in Belleville. This marks the point where we're apparently no longer just 'bar' friends, but friends who eat at Mexican places as well. Cool. Mike went home due to allergies, we went out to Fridays, where we ran into Matt & Jodi, so there was much hanging out. I bailed on the girls at one point to see people at Johnny's because I'm a dork like that.

Saturday: Slept till like 11 or something. Had aspirations of doing things, I don't think I actually did, though. Don't really remember what we did, actually. Shopped? Maybe. I dunno. Went to the Funny Bone with helen/eric, which was good times. Went to Johnny's afterwards until much later. Awesomeness.

Sunday: Slept till like 11 or something. Had aspirations of doing things. Ellen actually did stuff. I was overcome with sinus bullshit. Got movies, watched one (Before the Devil Knows Your Dead - awesome). Had Steak n' Shake. Think that's it. Not sure. Oh, helped Liz out with tornado crisis. Because the first thing you should do in the event of a tornado is call someone 500 miles away. :)

This weekend is gravel weekend, finally. I've been wanting to get our driveway re-gravellelleed(?) since we moved in 3 years ago. It'll be nice to not have a mud pit anymore.

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