Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I should be working

But I'll blog.

I think I just reached a new level of maturity. I've managed so far today (in the 2 hours I've been at work) to _not_ buy a totally bitchin' miter saw. Why? Because, I don't need one right now.

Think about that. I don't need one. That's a pretty big step for me.

No point. Just don't need a miter saw. I'd like one, but I have zero use for one right now. I know I'll buy one eventually, which was my initial justification, but fuck it. No saw hee haw. Rickshaw.

My desk is a damn mess. My desire to do any real work is nil. I did some research on a couple things, but that's about it. I'm waiting on some parts to come in so I can upgrade a couple servers, so in the meantime I'm just kinda chilling. I have plenty to do, but it's all Technology Plan documents and policy editing work and other stuff i need to be in a certain mindset for, that I just ain't right now. Also, I'm on the verge of a pretty nasty cold I think. Something to do with hanging around kids all weekend, then spending 6+ hours working on a deck in the middle of December, I'm sure.


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