Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Monday, December 04, 2006

Ice Ice Baby

Hooray for storms!

Thursday: Got out of work early due to doomsday ice/snow storm en route. Spent the majority of the extra time running around Collinsville gathering provisions (Xbox games, DVDs, gloves, shovel, beer) to hunker down for the duration. Got storm'd. Watched Accepted. Ask me about my weiner!

Friday: Woke up to find a whole lot of tree in the yard. Stupid tree. Lots of damage everywhere, but so pretty with ice and shit, so I was torn as to whether it sucked or not. Nate called me to see if I could get out of my house since they had the majority of a tree fall across their driveway, trapping them in. Pulled the tree parts from in front of the garage, and set out int he Mustang on rescue mission. Yay for traction control.

Picked up Nate/beth, dropped beth off @ the house since they had no power as well, headed to Sears to buy chainsaw. No power. Did donut in parking lot. Went to wal-mart. No power. Did donut in parking lot. Did more donuts and power slides while nate called around neighboring towns. All lines were busy, so we decided to just trek out to Fview Heights blindly. First stop was Home Depot. Gathered with the other manly men while we waited for a forklift to pull the last pallet of gas chainsaws they had off the ceiling. Mad rush. Got one. I grabbed a black&deck Alligator chainsaw/pruner mutation for myself. Loves it.

Headed back to Nates, his neighbor randomly decided to help, so bowsaw, pruners, and chainsaws went at it. 3 beers, 2 Marborolo lights, and 40 minutes later, Nate was able to free his cars from the icey abyss. Went over to my place to meet Helen & Eric who rocked us with the burger king. Nate & I cleared the tree guts off my yard, enough so the dog could get out back and actually piss.

Hung out for quite a bit, ellen & beth wound up going to Fview to do baby shopping for Kelly, they came back eventually. Lowns split, Ellen & I and Helen/Eric hung out around the house for the rest of the day since helen had no power as well. Went out to Ramon's for the messican love, saw some dude fall hard and knock himself out. EMT/Drama was had. Went back to... actually, no clue what we did Friday. Oh! Hurricane's, duh. Met up with the Lowns, drank entirely too many Redbull/vodkas and Crown/cokes to counteract physical tiredness from lumberjacking all day. Made Eric drive back home. Slept hard.

Saturday: Helen still had no power, they hung out for a while watching some crappy movie I can't remember. Eventually we all split our seperate ways, we wound up doing the consumer whore thing, which basically consisted of going to Home Depot again, and spending way too much money on new closet doors and stain. Ate Red Lobster for some reason. Watched Clerks II, Headed to Robdreas for the quickest game of Monopoly ever and some Stella. Drove home late, crashed hard.

Sunday: Slept in. Ellen went to baby shower, I played a shitload of Gears of War and did laundry. Fuggin love that game. Wow.


Also, Coors Winterfest beer is amazingly awesome.

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