Counter Thingy that Counts Crap

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fever Pitch

Day 28921.

At least that what it feels like. I haven't showered/shaved since Monday, it's kinda liberating (and smelly).

My days are filled with bundling up constantly to stave off shakes, then kicking off all blankets once I start sweating. Rinse, repeat.

Yesterday I woke up with a temperature, but it broke by noon. Same today, except it's been holding steady around 100.3-100.9 all day, except around noon when everything seemed cool. Symptoms are starting to fade away a little bit (I can kinda talk now, my nose isn't running like a Kenyan anymore), I just mostly feel like I've been hit by a truck, in my sinuses.

Puffs with lotion are my savior, as well as the following:
Toast with honey
Tea with lemon/honey
Pudding Pops (just ventured into my first one today, it was like nothing I've ever had before)
Assorted condensed soups, which I'm tiring of.
Grilled cheese
NyQuil (green death)

Ellen has moved to the sleeping on the couch to keep from catching whatever death I have, since she's travelling to Loder tomorrow.

My hopes of health in time for long weekend debauchery are fading. I have to help Lown load a washing machine tomorrow, and help some dude load my pingpong table into the truck ($10 loss over my purchase price, what?)

Streaming 12 Oz Mouse on the PS3 (one thing it excels at compared to the XBox). I'm not sure if it's helping, or hurting my psyche. I think if nothing else, if I start going crazy from the fever, I won't notice. So that's good, right?

I'm refusing to break down and call the doc back, which in my head is the absolute right thing to do at this point. I love being machismo.

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